Eternity's Detour - Robert Folkenberg

Eternity's Detour

by Robert Folkenberg

Eternity’s Detour is an overview of the plan of salvation not only from the perspective of Adam and Eve and their descendants but also from the perspective of the angels and tested beings in the un-fallen worlds. It highlights God’s ultimate objectives: 1) restoring the universe to its state prior to Lucifer’s rebellion, 2) while demonstrating the scope of God’s love and justice, so 3) all the universe will understand living in harmony with God’s will is the only basis for eternity-future.

Robert Folkenberg was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, to North American missionaries serving in Latin America and Central America. He graduated with a master’s degree in New Testament theology from the SDA Theological Seminary. Prior to his election as General Conference president in 1990, he served as president of the Carolina Conference. Folkenberg has been the director of Global Evangelism/ShareHim since 1999. The ultimate goal of ShareHim is to empower and mobilize laymen and laywomen to be active in a lifestyle of evangelism.

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1 - Eternitys Detour.mp3