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"And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." -Revelation 7:2-3
A Bible based media ministry dedicated to end time presentations, studies, health, news, & information because Jesus is coming soon!
Creating Health: Our Adventist Heritage harmonizes with the trendy focus on wellness, making healthy living easy to promote and a great way to make friends. This seminar will demonstrate how your church can ride the wave of creating health for members and non-members. 1. Are You Creation Healthy? helps you find if you are living Creation Healthy, physically and spiritually. 2. Will the Real Truth Please Stand Up? explores some old and not-so-old health beliefs, finishing with a question and answer session. 3. I Dont Eat Anything and I STILL Gain Weight! is a practical, candid look at various popular diets, both vegan and non-vegan with helpful tips for long-lasting weight management. 4. Creation Health is an eight-week evangelism model for local churches. We will demonstrate portions of the program and display the materials available. 5. Wellness Coaching: Strategic Evangelism for Your Church Coaching can be used to develop lasting deep friendships and bring members and non-members closer to Christ. Your role in helping people set their own goals, gently listening to them and bathing them with your prayers, will be richly rewarding.
Robert Blehm, PA-C, nationally certified physician assistant and member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, directs the LifeChange program of the Lifestyle Medicine department at Feather River Hospital, Paradise, Calif. Last year he had more than 3,400 patient visits for various diseases including diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity and depression. His patients collectively lost more than 3,000 pounds, dramatically reducing or eliminating their medication needs by making positive lifestyle changes based on the health principles of Scripture and Ellen White.
Rhonda Whitney, CSA, PhD, directs the Lifestyle Medicine Department at Feather River Hospital. She comes from a varied background of talents and interests. Her experiences as Executive Director of Portland Adventist Community Services, a premier social services agency, and Director of Community Outreach for the Oregon Conference, have given her skills especially formulated for church-based community involvement. Rhonda holds a PhD in Leadership from Andrews University and enjoys creative visioning and educating within the context of Christ-centered health promotion.