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     "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads."  -Revelation 7:2-3

A Bible based media ministry dedicated to end time presentations, studies, health, news, & information because Jesus is coming soon!


100% Chance of Rain - The Truth About the Latter Rain - Ryan McCoy

100% Chance of Rain

the Truth About the Latter Rain

by Ryan McCoy

A comprehensive, deeply spiritual, in-depth
compilation/study on the subject of the latter rain.

The subject of the latter rain has become quite popular in recent years. Some believe it began in, on, or around 1888. Others believe that is has begun more recently as evidenced by many baptisms in various countries. Some believe it is still to come. Most Adventists and many Christians want to receive this powerful gift from God, but few understand it. With all the different views out there, what can you believe? Are there things that will exclude you from receiving the latter rain? Are there preparations to be made? When will it fall? What are the dangers of misunderstanding this subject? Find out the answers to these serious questions as well as many more in this comprehensive, deeply spiritual, in-depth compilation/study on the subject of the latter rain, as presented by Ryan McCoy.

This program consists of over 9 hours of in-depth material on the subject of the Latter Rain.  It is designed to thoroughly answer most questions about this incredible topic.

RYAN McCOY is a Seventh-day Adventist lay evangelist as well as an author, speaker, director, producer and founder of Sealing Time Ministries.  Ryan is passionate about finding Jesus throughout the wonderful details of Earth's last day events and has a gift for sharing these in a way that anyone can understand but also with a depth that even the most studied can appreciate.  Ryan has authored (or is currently authoring) over 22 books and video series on the subject of final events with topics including, the Spirit of Prophecy, Signs of Christ's Return, the Seal of God, Mark of the Beast, the Sealing Time, the 144,000, Sunday Laws, Disasters and National Ruin, Country Living, the Shaking, the Latter Rain, Persecution, Satan's Appearance as Christ, the Seven Last Plagues, the Close of Probation, Second Coming, Heaven and the Millennium, the Lake of Fire, and the New Earth.  He also has a number of other presentations on the topics of efficiency and alternative energy, a personal testimony, vinegar (health), theater and drama and a special inspirational talk on David Crockett and the Alamo, the Sabbath, and Adventist History (Standing firm for what you believe in the last days.).  Ryan has also been a featured speaker at a number of churches and camp meetings.

Ryan also has the distinction of being the fifth great-grandson of Congressman David “Davy” Stern Crockett.  David Crockett died defending the Alamo in 1836 in what later became the State of Texas.  Because of his family history, Ryan uniquely understands what it means to draw a line in the sand and take a decided stand for what is right, no matter what the cost.  Ryan has been a featured special guest at the Alamo for official ceremonies.  He was also an honored guest at the 180th Anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo.  Ryan has also been featured on 3ABN, Adventist WorldAdventist World, Adventist ReviewAdventist Review, Adventist News Network (ANN) and many more.  He has also been interviewed by Smithsonian Magazine and had photos taken by the History Channel.

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Available Titles
1 - What, Where, Purpose and the Counterfeit.mp3
2 - Who Wont Receive, Preparation and Is It Falling Now.mp3
3 - Sudden Event, A Period of Time, Event Requirements, and When.mp3
4 - When (cont), Elijah, a Special Annointing, and Dangers of Incorrect Chronology.mp3
5 - Dangers of Incorrect Chronology, Called False Light by Some, Small Group First.mp3


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