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"And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." -Revelation 7:2-3
A Bible based media ministry dedicated to end time presentations, studies, health, news, & information because Jesus is coming soon!
News Links of Interest for 2005 |
In Matthew 24 Jesus told us to watch for specific signs of His second coming and of the end of the world. These signs include 3 main areas: The Natural world, the Political world, and the Religious world. Here is a list of news links and stories of events that are happening in these areas and more. Obviously not all events listed here were directly spoken of by Jesus but they all agree that His coming is very soon. |
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Three Questions, Many Answers
| Natural Disasters Hurricanes/Typhoons Tsunami Earthquakes Famines Pestilence Global Warming Space Sunday Worship Laws Lawlessness No One May Buy or Sell | Wars & Rumors of Wars Protestants/Islam & Rome False Christs Excitement in the Religious Bodies The Rapture & Left Behind Adventists in the News Blasphemy Religious Liberty Health Creation vs. Evolution Miscellaneous |
Natural World The Last Word: Preparing for The Worst - "If nothing is done to cushion the blow of natural disasters, they declared, by 2010 some 50 million people around the world could be driven from their homes annually. Not long ago, such dire predictions might have been written off as just another warning from the usual Cassandras. But considering the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Pakistan, Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, and the Asian tsunami, people are starting to take note." ... "Are natural disasters getting worse? - There are absolutely clear signs and compelling statistics showing the situation is getting worse. We now are experiencing 2.5 to 3 times as many extreme events of climatic or water-related emergencies per year as we did in the 1970s. At the same time annual economic losses [from disasters] have increased sixfold." ... "How well is the world prepared to deal with the next calamity? - We are not sitting idly and ringing bells saying how bad it is. Scientific communities all over the world are working on strategies. But of course scientific wisdom alone is not enough. It has to be followed up with forceful political decision and public-awareness campaigns. The whole world has a responsibility to keep talking about this even when the topic is less sexy, when we aren't in the wake of a tsunami or a Katrina." - Janos Bogardi, director of the U.N. University's Institute for the Environment and Human Security Apocalypse, now? Katrina, other disasters fuel doomsday predictions - "It’s been 10 months of epic disaster. First there was the tsunami that killed some 250,000 people in Southeast Asia. Then came Hurricane Katrina with its devastating toll on the Gulf Coast, followed by an earthquake that took tens of thousands of lives in South Asia. Now, Hurricane Wilma, one of the most powerful storms ever measured in the Atlantic Basin, is stalking the Florida coast, and experts are warning of a deadly avian flu pandemic. Doomsday: The Latest Word if Not the Last - "But after last week's devastating earthquake in Pakistan, coming as it did after a succession of recent disasters, the apocalyptic speculation, bubbled up again with impressive fervor on many Christian blogs, in some pews and among some evangelical Christian leaders."..."Combined with fears of a global pandemic of avian flu, the calamitous flooding that followed Hurricane Katrina and last year's tsunami in Asia, the predictions of the end of the world are to be expected, religious historians said. After all, Christians have been predicting the end of history since the beginning of theirs." Is something wrong with Mother Earth? - "The world is not coming to an end," says NASA scientist Dr. David Adamec. "Things are fine." Click here for News Link Archives Hurricanes/Typhoons Nagin: God mad at America, black people - "New Orleans mayor suggests Katrina, Rita are signs U.S. needs to change" - Updated: 7:08 p.m. ET Jan. 16, 2006 ... NEW ORLEANS - Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that “God is mad at America” and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting. ... “Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it’s destroyed and put stress on this country,” Nagin, who is black, said as he and other city leaders marked Martin Luther King Day." In Hot Water, National Geographic - August 2005- "Last year's record hurricane season may have been just the beginning. Forecasters predict the Atlantic seaboard could be in for decades of relentless pounding." Do you think Hurricane Katrina could be God's way of punishing New Orleans for sin? - A Live Vote 93% say "yes" as of 10-19-2005. Fires Hit Galveston's Historic District - "The Strand District includes historic buildings, night clubs and shops. It is the site of a massive Mardi Gras celebration and an annual Charles Dickens festival." (Is it just coincidence that hurricane Rita did the most damage in this area?) The Party Must Go On - "After being almost wiped off the face of the earth, New Orleans is proving remarkably adept at bouncing back: residents are returning to their homes, bars are reopening and rumor has it that even the prostitutes are back in business. But can the city ever really get back to normal?"..."One of the men at the bar announced that there are rumors that the first prostitutes have come back to town. "Even sin returns," he says. His colleagues hoot. The return of prostitutes to the Big Easy, on Day 17 after Katrina, is a good sign." Rita's Revelation - "Acts of God are on everyone's mind just now. They're forcing mass evacuations, inundating cities, driving up the cost of gasoline, weakening the economy, undermining the war effort in Iraq. The Almighty is so often on the tongue of politicians these days, both American and foreign, that invocations of the divine have started to sound like little more than boilerplate." Click here for News Link Archives Tsunami Click here for News Link Archives How much did the earth move?- "Right after the Sumatran earthquake and killer wave Summary of Magnitude 9.0 Sumatra-Andaman Islands Earthquake & Tsunami - "This is the fourth largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and is the largest since the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake." Click here for News Link Archives Famines Click here for News Link Archives Pestilence Click here for News Link Archives Other Natural News Global Warming Click here for News Link Archives |
Political World AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION - Workplace Relations Act 1996 - The Official website of the government of Australia. "Retail industry - fixation of penalty rates - work in ordinary hours on Sundays." This link is the act being discussed in the link below. Sunday work 'doesn't work' - "Sunday has become just another work day, and under the Federal Government's proposed industrial relations changes more people could be required to join them. "..."Greens Senator Rachel Siewert, who released the report, called on Prime Minister John Howard to enshrine in law the sanctity of Sunday as the day for family life." Town's Sunday construction ban could affect do-it-yourself work - "Spring Hill aldermen are facing a decision over whether to go after do-it-yourself enthusiasts who violate an ordinance banning construction work on Sundays."..."The ordinance came up for debate last week after Codes Enforcement Officer Beau Herring ordered some contractors to stop working on a Sunday, only to find a family doing similar work on their home nearby." Sabbath-breaking 'caused tsunami' - Christian minister calls disaster 'divine visitation' on Lord's Day Tsunami was 'divine visitation upon Sabbath pleasure seekers' - "Claim tsunami, which fell on a Sunday, punishment for breaking Sabbath" (same subject as above, different write-up from National Newspaper of Scotland) RepentAmerica.com - "REPENT v. To sorrow, or be pained for sin, as a violation of God's holy law, a dishonor to His character and government, and the foulest ingratitude to a being of infinite benevolence." ... (About Us) "As Christians, we know that there is a literal hell and a lake of fire where the unsaved will burn for all eternity; therefore, we act upon this truth without reservation and GO OUT into the streets and communities of America declaring the Word of God and proclaiming the Good News." (Proclaiming the Good News that they are going to burn for all eternity?) Sunday, holy Sunday? - "Pastor resurrects Sabbath debate with $1 million reward" Click here for News Link Archives Lawlessness Click here for News Link Archives Wars & Rumors of Wars Click here for News Link Archives No One May Buy or Sell "Behold the bridegroom cometh!" -Matthew 25:6 Revelation tells us that the United States (the lamblike beast) will take the forefront in speaking (legislation) and causing (enforcement) all with a system that will be able to cut off those who will not worship the way the government tells them to. This system that could control whether you can even get a bank account will be enforced on May 11th, 2008. This does not mean no one may buy or sell except those with the mark, YET. But the stage for the ability to enforce Sunday worship is now set up. God's people should take note of this dangerous piece of fulfillment of prophecy. We cannot stress how serious this is. Please stay close to God. "Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones." -Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 11 |
Religious World Protestants/Islam & Rome Seeking unity with Rome - "The Traditional Anglican Communion is a small step closer to reestablishing unity with the Roman Catholic Church after a separation of five centuries." Click here for News Link Archives False Christs Click here for News Link Archives (Spiritual) Excitement in the Religious Bodies Juanita Bynum - Is stating in no uncertain terms that the "Holy Spirit shall drop" (in reference to the latter rain) upon her upcoming Threshing Floor Conference/Revival (April 5-8) in the Georgia Dome, in Atlanta, GA. It's called "a time of refreshing" at their website. We have a video clip of her speaking on TBN making the announcement. She is being called a "prophetess" by many. Click here for News Link Archives "The Rapture" & "Left Behind" Left Behind is classified "Fiction"
"Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters,and whoever loves and practices a lie." -Rev. 22:14,15 (There's only two groups at the end. Please choose to be inside, join those who love and practice the truth.) Click here for News Link Archives The Secrets of Longevity - National Geographic, November 2005- Residents of Okinawa, Sardinia, and Loma Linda, California, live longer, healthier lives than just about anyone else on Earth. What do they know that the rest of us don't? - "Funded in part by the U.S. National Institute on Aging, scientists have focused on several regions where people live significantly longer. In Sardinia, Italy, one team of demographers found a hot spot of longevity in mountain villages where men reach age 100 at an amazing rate. On the islands of Okinawa, Japan, another team examined a group that is among the longest lived on Earth. And in Loma Linda, California, researchers studied a group of Seventh-day Adventists who rank among America's longevity all-stars."
Click here for News Link Archives Blasphemy Click here for News Link Archives
Other General News Health Click here for News Link Archives Creation vs. Evolution Click here for News Link Archives Archaeologists unveil ancient church in Israel- "Discovery made on prison grounds near biblical site Armageddon"..."The discovery of the church in the northern Israeli town of Megiddo, near the biblical Armageddon, was hailed by experts as an important discovery that could reveal details about the development of the early church in the region. Archaeologists said the church dated from the third century, decades before Constantine legalized Christianity across the Byzantine Empire." |